Why you should walk after dinner


25 Oct 2018

Is there any benefit to your health from an evening stroll? Personal trainer Andrew Cate examines the impact of a light workout at night.

Why exercise at night

Many people struggle to find the time to exercise and for some the best time to exercise is the time you can fit it in!

Any exercise has benefits, and this is also true for exercising in the evening. These benefits include:

The science of why you should walk after dinner

A study published in the International Journal of General Medicine examined the affect on blood sugar levels from exercising after a meal. 

After we eat we see a spike in blood sugar which stimulates the release of insulin, and promotes fat storage. 

The researchers found that walking as soon as possible after a meal reduced the increase in blood sugar levels associated with eating. It could be assumed that circulating blood sugar would be used up by the working muscles during a walk, and this would restrict the insulin increase that occurs in response to a meal. 

The participants that walked for 30 minutes after dinner were most successful at losing weight. What was surprising was that while there is a widely held belief that people who exercise just after eating will experience fatigue, stomach ache and abdominal discomfort, no ill effects were reported  during the study, 

While the results were positive, it's important to note that this study used a very small subject base, and that additional research would be required to further support these findings.

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Source: Hijikata et al. Walking just after a meal seems to be more effective for weight loss than waiting for one hour to walk after a meal. Int J Gen Med. 2011:4; 447–450.