RECIPE: Mini multigrain pancakes with berries & yoghurt


28 Aug 2019

Feed your mind and nourish your gut. Plates of mini pancakes made with a mix of grains and topped with your favourite berries, creamy yoghurt, flaked nuts and golden maple syrup - you can’t say no to that!

Mini multigrain pancakes with berries and yoghurt

Pancakes can often be thought of as nutrition-less, sugary treats unfit for a sustaining breakfast meal. Well not anymore. These mini pancakes are delicious, wholesome and contain all the ingredients you need for a smiling mind and healthy body. 

A diet rich in grains, healthy fats and probiotic foods has been shown to boost mood and support digestive health. And the two are interlinked with your gut health linked to your mental wellbeing. So, it’s important to feed both. 

These mini pancakes do just that with four different types of grains, eggs and almonds for healthy fats and probiotic yoghurt. 

Whip a mini multigrain pancake plate up for weekend brunch, make them ahead to grab and go for work or even serve them as dessert with banana, cacao nibs and toasted coconut on top.


Makes 24 mini pancakes - or 4 plates  



How to make

Roberta's tips