The children’s run group called Pace Project consists of 40 children aged between 8 to 18 years who come together through their passion for running.
The group boasts members of both the state and national teams. The children’s run group have a goal to run across the Sydney harbour bridge and be a part of the Blackmores Sydney running festival.
The Pace Project team is run voluntarily by 2 time Olympian & World record holder Jill Boltz.
The kids have many training programs that cover runs on the traditional track, and to maintain variety they include the mountainous tropical rainforest behind Cairns.
Training in the heat and humidity has many challenges however the kids continue to persist with their training to enable them to compete on southern soils in cooler climates over the coming months.
Blackmores is a proud supporter of local communities and encouraging kids to be healthy and active.
Pictured here with the iconic Blackmores Sydney Running festival towels after a recent XC training in the World heritage rainforest, the towels were a welcome gift with all the sweating in the heat and humidity.
The passion for running shown by these kids is amazing!
We can’t wait to cheer them across the finish line on Sunday September 20.
“From little things big things grow”