Blackmores the perfect push up

The perfect push-up

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I love push-ups. You can do them anywhere, anytime, and there are many different levels and variations you can use as your strength improves. It’s one of the best resistance training exercises for upper body strength, and you don’t need any equipment or a gym membership.

I love push-ups. You can do them anywhere, anytime, and there are many different levels and variations you can use as your strength improves. It’s one of the best resistance training exercises for upper body strength, and you don’t need any equipment or a gym membership. It works your chest, shoulders, arms, core and lower back, and you can even isolate certain muscles by changing your hand position. For example, having your hands wider apart helps to target your chest, while having your hands close together underneath your chest targets your triceps (the muscles in your upper arm).

Technique tips

Like all exercises, there are some important technique tips to follow to prevent injury and help you get the most out of every movement. Here are some key pointers on performing the perfect push-up: 

  • Start with your abdominals contracted by sucking your navel in towards your spine
  • Keep your body aligned and your back straight. Your body should form one straight line from head to heels (except for knee push-ups).
  • Be conscious of not sinking at the hips, or arching your back too high.
  • Lower yourself with control, avoiding jerky or fast movements at all times
  • Breathe in on the way down, and out on the way up
  • Keep your neck neutral, and avoid poking your head forward to touch the ground


Now that you’ve nailed the right technique, here are some variations on push-ups which highlights their versatility, and gives you options as your strength improves. You can also adjust the difficulty by altering the depth of your push-ups:

  • Wall push-ups – Ideal for beginners.
  • Knee push-ups – Good for beginners who find wall push-ups too easy
  • Standard push-ups –An intermediate level for people who can perform push-ups on their toes
  • Feet elevated push-ups – An advanced level
  • One arm push-ups – An elite level of strength

Planning your routine

As a rough guide, aim to perform push-ups three times a week, and always have at least one rest day in between. Find a level of difficulty (see the variations above) where you can perform at least 10 repetitions, but no more than 20. Do at least two sets (two lots of 10 – 20 repetitions), and combine these with other body weight exercises such as sit ups, lunges and dips.