Meet Natalie Kringoudis- Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturist, Natural Fertility Educator, Author and Speaker.
We’re so inspired by her passion for natural medicine and women’s wellness we wanted to find how she found the path to natural health and what wellness means to her.
Can you tell us a bit about your journey into the natural health space?
I was that girl who would hate my period every single month mostly because it left me crippled in pain with the full bells and whistles - vomiting, nausea, hot flushes and oh, did I say pain?
Oh so much pain.
I was overweight, unhealthy and down and out.
This eventually motivated me to enter the wellness arena - after opening my clinic in Melbourne I recognised the need to educate young women on their choices around their wellness and encourage them to mend issues when they arise rather than pretend they don’t exist or even more difficult, fix them when it was time for a baby.
We’re facing a hormone imbalance epidemic collectively at present, we need to get educated to make informed decisions that affect our bodies, permanently.
Why do you think natural health is important in this day and age?
Natural health care focuses on maintaining wellness, not treating illness.
The use of natural medicines means we can maximise the way our body functions. It really is the way forward in health - even if it seems old school!
Science is great, but we also know that the more we discover, the less we really know and old remedies are what we are returning to as a start point. Bringing it back to being the best version of ourselves is where it’s at.
What inspired you to start a wellness blog and share your knowledge and experience of natural health?
The need to educate was like a lightning bolt through my body. My heart longed for women to access information that would make a lifetime of difference.
A blog is a great place to start! And then of course it continued to grow and readers wanted more.
What is your overall mission and hope?
My mission - to make women’s hormones happier than a Pharrell Williams song!
It’s simple. Get educated, create awareness and make informed choices.
What would you say women are most surprised to learn about fertility and hormones?
That fertility isn’t about babies. Not even!
Fertility is like soil. If you nurture it, feed it, care for it, water it - when and only when the time is right for you to plant a seed, amazingly beautiful things will grow and thrive.
Your body is very much like this. Fertility is the end point - the ground work needs to be done first.
Food is obviously a big part of living a healthy life. If we took a look in your kitchen now, what would we find?
Eggs! I eat them daily. Lemons, mint, ginger - my saviour through winter. Also you’ll find organic meats, and a half filled crisper.
I don’t do large shops, I do 2 smaller shops each week so that my produce stays fresh. I love living near the market - this helps!
Oh and my absolute can’t live without go to - hummus. You’ll find that and olives as my staple snacks (with veg sticks).
What are 5 essential things you cannot live without?
Ok so hummus and eggs. We’ve established that!
Cuddles from my family. Mascara. My Nike Sky Hi Dunks - I wear them daily. Tea- I’m a raging herbal tea addict.
What else do you do aside from your fabulous self-titled blog?
I’m an author and presenter. I am the co-host and producer of the online health series healthtalks and e-course creator.
When I’m writing content or books or spreading my message to the masses, I’m also the owner of The Pagoda Tree - women’s home for alternative therapies for wellness.
Do you live by a natural health quote, mantra or philosophy? If so, what is it?
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
I LOVE this quote - it’s so applicable to my message and the collective changes I’m influencing.
If you only had 10 minutes to pack for a holiday in your favourite location, what would you take? AND, where would you go?
I’d be packed in 5. You say holiday I say NOW! I’d be off to Greece in a heartbeat.
I’d be quickly packing swimmers, my favourite huge beach towel, coconut oil, fish oil, iPhone, jean shorts, kaftan, sunglasses (can’t live without - they should have been one of my 5 essential items!) and my straw fedora.
I think that would cover it!