How do probiotics work? Our microbiome is a bit like a lawn. To help keep the ‘lawn’ healthy we need to nurture and nourish it. Feeding it with ‘seeds’, which can be likened to good bacteria, also helps ensure the lawn is lush, with less room for ‘weeds’ which can be likened to bad bacteria. Probiotics adhere to the intestinal walls, competing with ‘bad bacteria’ and help control unhealthy growth. Particular probiotic strains may also have a benefit for a specific condition or symptom.
What could cause an imbalance in ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria? Factors such as diet, age and excessive stress may cause an imbalance in ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria. Topping up probiotic levels may be useful at these times as well as after a course of antibiotics.
When can I take a probiotic? You can take a probiotic daily to support your overall wellbeing and help maintain digestive health. You may also choose to take a specific probiotic to help support a particular health area such as immunity.
What are prebiotics? Prebiotics are particular types of fibre that nourish and support the healthy growth of good bacteria.
What affects probiotic quality? Robust probiotic strains help ensure the good bacteria reach your digestive system. High temperature and moisture affect the survival of probiotics. Specialised protective technology, including temperature and moisture control in production and special packaging to control moisture, helps protect against it.